My little brave ladybug did really well during her unsedated MRI but she was blinking and moving her jaw. This caused motion on each "slice" so we have to try again. We are going to give her a Valium and see if that will make her sleepy. This way she will be still enough to get good pictures. It was so disappointing but we didn't want her to know that. Now we wait for the next appointment. ugggg... This is tough, seeing her tiny girl face in the MRI, she held me hand the whole time. I had to stretch into the machine to reach her. Oh my little girl, if I only I could kiss you and make it all better.
I know this could be so much worse. I know that I shouldn't be so sad that we have to go for another MRI, but I am and that's that.
Our huge fundraiser is coming up. It's so good to focus on that. A few days after that I'm running the NYC marathon for Julia. After that I have no idea what I'll do with all this energy. I'm sure I'll dream up something....